As we reported earlier, we started increasing the flows in all canals on Tuesday, July 5th and will continue to increase the flows daily until they are at capacity. This process will take a few days. We are working diligently to begin making water deliveries during this ramping up process. It is important for everyone to understand that not everyone will be able to irrigate this week. The canal system is not large enough to irrigate all 16,300 acres at one time.

We are beginning to charge pressure lines, and again, this process takes a few days to completely fill them. We have already had a break in the E-7 pressure line and had to shut it completely off. This will affect people on East Ashland Lane, East and West Butler Lanes, Irish Lane and South Valley View Road. We do not yet have a timeframe when the repair will be completed but we will update the website once the repair is done and the line is charged.

We understand that everyone is in need of irrigating and we are working diligently to get the system up to capacity. We all want to work together to make this short season as successful as possible. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.


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