Talent Irrigation District Fee Schedule

2023-2024 Season

Effective October 1, 2023 To September 30, 2024
Adopted By The Board Of Directors August 15, 2023

Irrigation Charges

Parcel Charge $150.00 per tax lot
Annual Irrigation Charge $60.00 per acre
one acre minimum
New Land Inclusion Charge $2.00 per acre
one acre minimum
McDonald System Irrigation Charge $58.00 per acre
one acre minimum
Annual Supplemental Charge 30.00 per acre
one acre minimum
Bureau Indebtedness $6.00 per acre
one acre minimum


Administrative Charge on Pay Jobs 10% of the job cost
Administration Fee on Foreclosures $150.00 per tax lot
Copies 25¢ per page
$5.00 per true copy
$10.00 per each electronic device
Late Fee
past 60 days, owe balance of $50 or more
$25.00 per tax lot
Lien & Satisfaction of Lien Fee $335.00 per tax lot
Lien Search Fee $55.00 per tax lot
Mapping Fee $110.00 per map
Planning Action Letters $25.00 per letter for no concerns
$110.00 per letter for concerns
Quit Claim of Water Rights $150.00 per quit claim
Research/Compile Records $48.00 per hour
no prorated fee available for increments less than a quarter-hour
Returned Check Charge $30.00 per check
Right-of-Use Application Fee $220.00 per application
Temporary Instream Leases $110.00 per lease
Water Right Transfer Application Fee $750.00 per transfer
Re-Transfer Water Right
in Same Tax Lot, Different Owner
$220.00 per transfer
Re-Transfer Water Right
in Same Tax Lot, Same Owner
110.00 per transfer
Water Right Transfer Capital Improvement Fee $220.00
for the first 5 acres and
$30.00 for each additional acre
Water Right Verification Letter $25.00 per letter
Water Storage Facility Application $1,500.00 per application
Water Truck Application Fee $110.00 per application
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