Newsletter Spring 2012

Irrigation Districts Continue Efforts in Endangered Species Act (ESA) Consultation Process On Monday, April 2, 2012, the National Marine Fisheries Service (“NMFS”) released its Biological Opinion pursuant to section 7 of the Endangered Species on the effects of the Bureau of Reclamation’s future operation and maintenance of the Rogue River Basin Project which includes the … Read more

Newsletter Fall 2011

2011-2012 BUDGET APPROVAL In following the same procedure started by previous boards, the current Board of Directors once again appointed a Budget Committee to work with them to develop the new budget for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year. The Board was pleased to have the same three District patrons serve on the Committee again this year. … Read more

Newsletter Spring 2011

Water Supply Information & Ditch Rider Assignments The District is entering this irrigation season with all of the reservoirs full. Due to the extremely wet spring, we did not start setting up the system to run water until April 27th and then followed with flushing the canals the week of May 2nd. The water in … Read more

Newsletter Fall 2010

2010-2011 BUDGET APPROVAL In following the same procedure started by previous boards, the current Board of Directors once again appointed a Budget Committee to work with them to develop the new budget for the 2010-2011 Fiscal Year. The Board was pleased to have the same three District patrons serve on the Committee again this year. … Read more

Newsletter Spring 2010

Water Supply Information The District is entering this irrigation season with less water supply than the last four years. The reservoir capacities as of April 14, 2010 are as follows: Howard Prairie 39,400 acre feet or 65% Hyatt Lake 12,200 acre feet or 75% Emigrant Lake 31,000 acre feet or 79% We began setting up … Read more

Newsletter Fall 2009

2009-2010 BUDGET APPROVED WITH NO FEE INCREASES Since 2001, the Board of Directors has annually appointed a Budget Committee to work with the Board of Directors in developing a new budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The Budget Committee was made up of the District’s three Board Members: Bob Morris, Keith W. Corp, Jr. and … Read more

Newsletter Spring 2009

Water Supply Information & Ditch Rider Assignments The District is entering this irrigation season with an adequate water supply. The reservoir capacities as of 4/13/09 are as follows: Howard Prairie 51,030 acre ft. (85%) Hyatt Lake 16,200 acre ft. (100%) Emigrant Lake 36,500 acre ft. (94%) We began setting up the system to run water … Read more

Newsletter Fall 2008

2008-2009 BUDGET APPROVAL AND NEW FEE SCHEDULE For the eighth year in a row the Board of Directors appointed a Budget Committee to work with the Board of Directors in developing a new budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The Budget Committee was made up of the District’s three Board Members: Bob Morris, Keith W. … Read more

Newsletter Fall 2008

2008-2009 BUDGET APPROVAL AND NEW FEE SCHEDULE For the eighth year in a row the Board of Directors appointed a Budget Committee to work with the Board of Directors in developing a new budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The Budget Committee was made up of the District’s three Board Members: Bob Morris, Keith W. … Read more

Newsletter Spring 2008

Water Supply Information & Ditch Rider Assignments We are delighted to report that the District anticipates all three reservoirs filling once the record snow pack has melted off. Even though we have a good water supply this irrigation season, it is still important to use water efficiently and conserve as much as possible. Water that … Read more

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