Irrigation Water Startup

Talent Irrigation District will begin refilling the canals today, Monday, June 28th. As always, the canals need to be brought up to operating depths slowly as not to cause any canal failures. This means water deliveries will begin in the next few days. The ditch riders will be working to get headgates unlocked and laterals … Read more

Press Release – Talent Irrigation District

With the recent rains and the severe drought situation facing the Rogue Basin, Talent Irrigation District will be shutting the entire irrigation system down on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 for a period of at least two weeks. If we should receive additional precipitation, the shutdown period could be extended. This is being done to extend … Read more

Water Start Up

The District will be putting a small amount of water in the canals this week to prepare them for next week’s startup process. The canals need to be brought up to operating depths slowly so as not to cause canal failure. The canal prisms are extremely dry and experiencing cracking which will hamper how the … Read more

Water Supply Update

The current extended unseasonably warm weather and already dry soil profile that our meager snowpack rested on, has resulted in below average runoff and streamflow amounts entering the reservoir system. As you can see by the graph below, the “2021 WATER SUPPLY” reservoir storage is starting to level off instead of rising. This trend is … Read more

Start Date For The 2021 Irrigation Season

The District needs 50,000 plus acre feet of water to make it through a regular irrigation season once we start to draw the reservoirs down. Our current supply stands at 22,600 acre feet. The inflow to the reservoirs is starting to drop off due to the limited snowpack this year. This water supply situation is … Read more

Reminder To Those With Water Storage Facilities

If you have a bulge in the TID system, i.e., pond, tank, bladders, etc., issued through TID, you need to pay attention to the rules and exceptions for these facilities. This includes, but is not limited to the following: The facility must be filled during your regular rotation. No special deliveries will be made. The … Read more

Drought Information – Spring 2021

Southern Oregon is in a severe drought for irrigation water. Mother Nature is always firmly in control of this part of the water supply. The irrigation district does not make the water, we just transport the water. Multiple below average snowpack water years, coupled with sustained long hot summers, has created a steady drawdown on … Read more

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